Part 1 of 7 - Addressing the issues of “The Seven Deadly Sins of Small Group Ministry”
Sin One: Unclear Ministry Objectives – So, what is the objective? To start, we have built a plan of Christian education and spiritual growth based upon a definition supplied by the Assemblies of God discipleship ministry agency. And second, to be carried out through a community of small groups. Ok, that seems reasonable… but that’s not how we used to do it! And for a while, maybe some did think “who stole my church”.
Until recently, I don’t think we really ever planted the flag and said that our way of doing classical church has changed and that small group’s is how we will help accomplish the goal of spiritual formation. Perhaps a bit of an oversight, but after doing things a certain way for some thirty years, you can’t just rip the band-aid off and say “there now do that”.
The simple fact is; the model of the church has to continually evolve with culture to remain relevant. Someone mentioned that it is easier to plant a church than to revitalize one, but according to the definition of the word revitalize (to give new life, vitality, and vigor); we really must be in a constant revitalization process weather the church is a new plant or has a long rich history.
So with the objective set forth, you still have to decide if it is to be a model of Church with, of, or is… small groups. The general consensus is that we will eventually become a church of small groups. Did we ever clearly communicate that? If not, there it is.
Connecting People to God… People to People… and People to Their Ministry Gifts. That is our vision, and is one that is somewhat easy to accomplish providing the people embrace it and the small group ministry that is set up to accomplish the goal. Just remember, it will continually have to be revitalized to accomplish the goal, so we as leaders and participants alike have to be open to change.
I feel our objective is very good, so what area have we missed the mark when it comes to sin one and the issue of unclear ministry objectives? Communication… We just have to get better at communicating our objectives more clearly.