Monday, June 29, 2009


Part 3 of 7 - Addressing the issues of “The Seven Deadly Sins of Small Group Ministry”

Sin Three: Poor Coaching Structure – This was an easy one for me to identify after attending the ’08 Willow Group Life conference. You see from day one, we had put a coaching structure in place, since I the point leader had a bit more than just small groups in my portfolio, I knew that I would need help. So you may be asking, “If you had coaches, how was it poor structure?”

I quickly learned a few things from Mike Hurt in his Group Life breakout session that we had an overloaded span of care with our coaches. The very burnout that I was trying to avoid had been placed upon my coaches in an unfair way. Essentially, I was asking them to do something even I could not do… I had loaded them up with a 6:1 group to coach ratio. Not only that, but I had failed to give them proper introductions and pretty much expected them to make cold calls. Now that we have them down to a more manageable 3:1 ratio, they can more effectively perform their role.

Probably one of the next areas we need to address is our follow-up process and how we can enhance it. We seem to have had good success with our one-on-one sessions, but will be looking to add coach and leader huddles that are as fun and productive as our point leader and coach huddles.

I really feel blessed to be surrounded by a great team that is willing to take a proactive approach and role in the lives of others.

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