Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Effective Leadership

Recently, I was leading a Wednesday night study on eschatology or the study of end times. At the outset of the series I asked the question, “Do you give much thought to end times and what will happen when Jesus comes back?” I was quite surprised to find how many people answered yes! Then I was even more surprised to learn that they think about this often, and some even on a daily basis.

This is good, as we are told that He is coming soon and will give to everyone according to what they have done (Rev. 22:12). These words hold a lot of promise and are part of our blessed hope, but at the same time, can seem awfully daunting when things don’t go as we have expected in various seasons of life. Take heart, your faithfulness is a key first step in this whole process.

Here is a great perspective to consider when applying this promise to life in general or even gauging our effectiveness in leading our small group. “When all is considered, God supplies His word; God provides the Holy Spirit; God supplies all of the spiritual gifts; and God supplies the power to do the work of the ministry. Just about the only thing that you and I have left to offer God to accomplish His eternal work is our faithfulness, our basic requirement.” (Ron McManus, Effective Leadership)

If you know that God has called you to lead in small group ministry, simply continue to be faithful to that call. His Word, Spirit, and gifts will help supply the rest... continue to be that good and faithful servant.

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