Friday, November 20, 2009

Getting Deeper....

I just wanted to let everyone know that we will start making the “Getting Deeper in the Word” small group series available to our groups at Tiffany Fellowship Church.  Recently, Pastor Barry has started formulating small group follow up questions that will allow us to get deeper into the Sunday morning sermon series. We have been trying this out in our new visitor groups and staff small group with great success.

You should know that we have been having some very dynamic discussion and we encourage you to please take advantage of this great opportunity. The latest discussion and question sheets will be made available in the foyer small group display for you and your group members to pick up at your convenience.

In the future, we will try to have these out by Wednesday evenings on small group weeks to help facilitate those groups that meet prior to Sunday.

So take up the challenge and get deeper in the Word, you will love the growth and transformation.

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