Saturday, August 20, 2011


Facedown – Who knew that Dave Walden had the perfect body for planking?

The Men of Tiffany Fellowship Church recently had the opportunity to attend the District Men’s Retreat at the Lake Maurer campground in Excelsior Springs. To say the least, all in attendance had a fantastic time in fellowship and getting facedown before the Lord in more ways than one!

We gathered together and began our event with the study of various Scripture passages that emphasized people being facedown before the Lord and the circumstances that led them there. This time was followed by an awesome lunch and the fulfillment of a challenge to go planking or get facedown with our afternoon free-time.

After a fun filled day, we did what comes natural at any Men’s retreat and fellowshipped over another great meal followed by incredible worship, devotions in faith principles, and anointed altar prayer. If you missed out on the events or were unable to attend, be sure to meet with any of the men that went and they will surely tell of the fun and transformation, or even share some of the study with you. Check in with Tiffany Fellowship guys: Pat Edins, Ed Fenn, Brian Main, Jerry peters, and Dave Walden or myself.

Great appreciation goes out to Pastor Les Clark for his outstanding leadership of District Men’s events, Rev. John Palmer from Emerge Ministries for his leading of our Facedown emphasis, and District Superintendant Ray Brewer for his support of fellowship and encouragement to men in the Northern Missouri District. Of course there are many more behind the scenes that did an awesome job and our thanks goes to them as well.

Planking may be the latest picture taking craze, but getting facedown has been around for ages, just check your Bible!

Praying for your best,
Pastor Warren