Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Active Members

Have you ever read a book that really gets you motivated and challenges you to put something into practice? That current such book for me is “it”, by Craig Groeschel, the lead pastor of Anyway, I am about mid-way through the book and came across an interesting portion that seems very relevant to Just Groups and can help contribute to our success of encouraging one another through this platform.

The particular portion of the book deals with not walking alone and points out the many ways this is revealed in Scripture such as; God telling Adam it isn’t good to be alone, Solomon said two are better than one, and Jesus said that God is present when two or three gather in His name. The author also mentions a quote from Henry Ford, “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping it together is progress. Working together is success.” So here are a couple of ways that we can work together on Just Groups or other forms of digital and social media.

First, here at this blog you can stay connected and be part of the process by subscribing to the blog in various ways. You have the option of adding the blog to your favorites and visiting regularly, use one of the many subscription tools such as an RSS reader in your mail client, or set up subscription notifications in Google and Yahoo type navigators. Just select one of the options in the right side bar. This will allow you to keep up with great ideas that are posted, see other peoples comments, and share your own encouraging words with others.

Second, you as leader or group participant can start your own blog for the small group that you are part of. It is as simple as clicking on the “Create Blog” link at the top of the page. If you are more advanced and plugged in to the digital landscape you can even create groups on Facebook and other media platforms. Between the times you meet this would be a great way to keep your small group focused on particular areas that are important in your current devotionals , or even continue that discussion you did not get to finish. Just remember, “Working together is success.”

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