Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Conflict, no one enjoys it, few want to admit that it happens, and most try to ignore it. Although that bit of truth should have seemed obvious, I recently learned that ignoring a problem will not make it go away; in fact it will simply get larger and larger. If we ignore conflict long enough, eventually it will paralyze what we are trying to accomplish and quite possibly overshadow or erase any progress we have made in our ministry efforts.

Former football coaching great and announcer John Madden once noted; “Coaches have to watch for what they do not want to see and listen for what they do not want to hear.” This perspective can be applied to any leadership role, both small group coaches and leaders.

We should also keep in mind that the most common reason for conflict is lack of communication. If we choose to just walk away or ignore a perceived situation, that choice will almost always bring a negative impact and halt momentum. So what is the best course of action? Get those involved talking about it with each other in a non-confrontational way, and if necessary, revisit ground rules for your group.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Enter Your Group...

Small Group Life is hosting a photo contest on Facebook!

Enter to win a free small group study or the grand prize—a weekend retreat for your small group near Asheville or Santa Fe. Become a fan on Facebook and then just post a picture of your small group doing life: enjoying a fun moment together, serving lunch to the homeless, working on the mission field, sharing your faith, or participating in some other activity your group enjoys.

Write a comment on your photo, and any others that inspire you.

Contest begins 10/5/09 and ends 11/15/09.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Thank You...

Hey there! It has been a while since the last post here at the Just Groups blog and I just wanted to say thanks for your being patient and not checking completely out. I am glad that we can all appreciate technology, but do not necessarily have to depend on various forms of social media to keep small groups and other ministries functioning.

As of late, quite a bit of my energy has been directed towards study for a credentials level final exam. With that, I am glad to report that I have succeeded and the hard work has paid off. As well, your prayer support is duly noted and much appreciated.

Much love,
Pastor Warren